Monday, January 19, 2009

How Insightful...

So, I'm hoping to actually keep this thing going, unlike my last attempt... So, fingers crossed eh?

So, first thing's first, this whole Obama thing... I'm not going to be another pretentious fag and write paragraph upon paragraph about how this is the greatest thing to happen to the world ever and how this and that is going to be much better now... Because yeah, it's a great day for the world and everything, but perhaps a fair few of these people are just saying this because of the colour of his skin, and not his stance on politics. I mean, most of the people who write about him might have only read the blurb of one of his books or something, which is why I'm just going to say: Looking forward to see what happens and don't fuck up like the last three.

Hotel's not looking so bad now, just took some getting used to. Only thing bugging me is the lack of an AV channel on the TV, brought the Xbox with the hope of having something to do and after I had set it up and everything... Nothing... I was bummed...

Took the day off today. Was far too tired to go in today after Dublin, it was nice to sleep in for once, spent most of my day in bed, watching TV and drinking Hot Chocolate that was brought to the room on demand. Job.

Best be off, hotelling to be done.

Toodle pip,

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